Subsonic & Caddy — oh my…


Subsonic has the nasty habit of generating certain URLs in a very hardcoded way.

The login screen for example. If you call index.view and are not logged in, it redirects you to $ServerSubsonicThinksItIs/login.view.

That will be localhost, if you want to do the „oh yay, let’s reverse proxy here“ thing. To make matters worse, $ServerSubsonicThinksItIs also contains protocol and port. This is apparently due to the implementation of Subsonics „generate a yourhost​.subsonic​.org“ redirection.

As far as I can see, only the login and settings pages are the ones that are affected by this. They are still accessible if you manually add /login.view to your public address.

Of course, you can tell Subsonic to believe that it is on the servername you chose for it. As long as Subsonic and the reverse proxy server are in agreement of which host, path & port are shown to the browser, everything is fine. With non-encrypted http that is.

Of course you can re-enable https on Subsonic, in order to successfully proxy everything from A to B, but…

…Caddy checks the validity of the SSL certificate of whatever site it reverse-proxies to. And throws a Bad Gateway if it doesn’t like what it sees. This is actually done with a reason, but it doesn’t help me right now.

As far as I can see, I either have to wait for…

  • Subsonic finally learning to generate sane URLs or
  • Caddyserver being able to ignore faulty certificates upstream

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