not afraid

Londoners aren't afraid. Which is a good thing to see. Terrorists try to make statements by doing stupid and horrible stuff. Media then occasionally helps them unwittingly by spreading fear and stress. 

This is the right statement: Go and stuff yourself terrorist scum. People won’t be cowered. 

Still, my thoughts are with those who lost loved ones. I’m the lucky guy in that I don’t have lost any relatives in London. But still, internet communities have brought some sense of loss to me too: Having to read posts from people who do have lost an old friend is not a good thing to start your day with.

Bow“ he types

I found this on a german newssite: "Bow Nigger". Regardless of the validity of the content, it’s a gripping read, and captures a lot of emotions online players often experience. 

While most realize that playing online games is just a recreational activity, that things are just a game, games can trigger powerful emotions too. 

At one point, the author describes his stress of the situation: „My concentration was absolutely intense and never before have I tried so hard to ‚be the mouse‘. I felt a trickle of wet run down from under my right armpit.“ 

Just a game, huh ?