Advertising Target Groups

Reading random blogs, I stumbled over an entry moaning about how we all slowly become target groups instead of people, and how bad the advertising is sometimes, and so on. In the end, it gave this banner Keine Zielgruppe. The content here is german again, but the gist is: Don’t try to mess with my mind via advertising, don’t try to categorize me. 

I think categorizing people is a thing we all do, so why should we deny this to the advertisers ? The thing I resent is that they constantly try to categorize me into sets I don’t fit in, and that mos of the time, advertisers assume I’m dumb. 

So, here’s my counter-banner: Deine Zielgruppe?

Is there a need for „Blogiquette“ ?

Frankly, I’ve never thought about that much. But Johnny gave it some thought, (in german) and easily impressionable person that I am, I started to think too. 

I instinctively tried to obey some sort of unwritten set of rules ever since I started to communicate online. Back then, the buzzword was netiquette, but it meant the same. The gist is that I’m aware that nearly instantaneous communications with complete strangers are prone to misunderstandings. I try to avoid these, so I’m doing my best to stay polite, and understandable. Sometimes, this extends to offline communications too, which probably make me look like a dolt, but that’s the price I pay…

at your fingertips“

Currently, there’s the Wikimania running in Frankfurt. That made me think about a few things. Lately, I’ve realized that the web offers a wealth of information „at my fingertips“:

I can look at places with Google Maps or Google Earth, can amaze people that I can quote verbatim from books using Amazons Search Inside, draw up on online references with Wikipedia, Google or Leo and get consumer reviews and prices online.

For those who know how to search, nothing is impossible to know, it seems. There are howto’s for countless things.

The question is, does that actually make me smarter ?

Or does it only make me appear smarter. Worse, might it make me lazy and dumb even? Back in school, thoroughly reading and learning something helped to memorize it. It created additional skills one could use later. Only by actively working with something, one can learn it. Simply drawing up a reference might degrade knowledge to trivia. I don’t actually bother to memorize how to write a proper MySQL syntax anymore. There’s a good online reference that I can use. And as I don’t write MySQL every day, that’s probably acceptable. But a few years ago, I probably would have sat down, and really learned these things.

Ultimately, I’ll leave these questions to those who have an actual knowledge about how the human mind works. This fear won’t leave me though; that in just gathering knowledge and making it available to everyone freely, we’re actually making people less educated than before.

Can companies be „not evil“

We all know that Googles motto is "Don't be evil". They claim that although they are admittedly out to make money, there are moral barriers they won’t break.

That’s fine and dandy, but… 

  • Pagerank is obviously a very powerful tool when it comes to actually affect peoples minds (People rarely scroll to the 3rd page of results. Put information you want to keep out of peoples minds there, instead on page 1, and no one will bother.)
  • They are capable gathering a slew of personal information without us noticing. Who knows, if at some point in time, someone gets tempted ?
  • Monopoly: Already a majority of internet users only use google. If it would be gone right now, I would be sorely handicapped. What if they suddenly charge money, or use this for political leverage ? 

The list of concerns could be made longer and longer. So, there is a definite danger, despite what Google claims.