
Golem​.de berichtet: „Telekom will Webanbieter zur Kasse bitten“.

Grob zusammengefasst lautet die Argumentation so: Die Telekom will superschnelle Glasfasernetze bauen. Das kostet. Diese Kosten sollen nun auch von den Inhaltsanbietern hereingeholt werden, nicht nur von den Endkunden. Wer nicht bezahlt, ist nicht (schnell) erreichbar.


Bei den Kommentaren von Golem​.de zum Artikel geht es hoch her, die Aufregung ist gross. Ich denke, wir sollten mal konkretere Aussagen abwarten: Inhaltsanbieter zahlen doch sowieso!

Nämlich für ihre eigene Internetanbindung. Und je schneller die sein soll, desto mehr müssen sie zahlen. Ganz normal.

Real ratings for virtual … err… hookers

Second Life Escort Ratings must be the most bizarre thing I’ve found on the net for.. err.. at least a week. I’m not kidding you (although they might kid me):

This blog is a collection of ratings for those who are inclined to pay virtual dollars (which are worth real money) for virtual sex in the online game Second Life. You’ll find screenshots of the (virtual) hotties, chat excerpts, mentioning of custom scripted clickable lips.…

Damn, this is really bizarre!

Wanted: Voice over IP hacker

Welcome to the future: Thanks to stunning breakthroughs in technology, even the most simple of things aren’t possible anymore.

Namely: Attaching a second handset with muted microphone to a Cisco 7940 Voice over IP Telephone.

The actual end-user request is the following:

If A is talking to «customer», B should be able to listen in without «customer» being aware of this. If need arises, B should be able to tell A things that «customer» shouldn’t be able to hear either.“

The simple solution of perhaps just attaching a set of cables or something like that of course apparently isn’t available. Now I’m realizing that we’re dealing with high-tech, and with a voice over IP telephony solution. Perhaps one can hack the Cisco Callmanager to redirect parts of the ongoing conversation to the telephone of B?

Should anyone have any ideas for this, send me a message please!