Can companies be „not evil“
We all know that Googles motto is "Don't be evil". They claim that although they are admittedly out to make money, there are moral barriers they won’t break.
That’s fine and dandy, but…
- Pagerank is obviously a very powerful tool when it comes to actually affect peoples minds (People rarely scroll to the 3rd page of results. Put information you want to keep out of peoples minds there, instead on page 1, and no one will bother.)
- They are capable gathering a slew of personal information without us noticing. Who knows, if at some point in time, someone gets tempted ?
- Monopoly: Already a majority of internet users only use google. If it would be gone right now, I would be sorely handicapped. What if they suddenly charge money, or use this for political leverage ?
The list of concerns could be made longer and longer. So, there is a definite danger, despite what Google claims.