moving in…

And I remember how we’d play simply waste the day away
Then we’d say nothing would come between us two dreamers

well, certainly before a reinstall, this felt more at home. But now everything is brand new and shiny on this laptop… Guess I’ll spend the rest of the day „moving in“, fiddling with the settings, installing all those nice little tools and add-ins..

The BoyZ are back in Town !

Guess who just got back today?
Them wild-eyed boys that had been away
Haven’t changed, haven’t much to say
But man, I still think them cats are crazy

yay… I got my site back. Now, to those non-german readers, this may look utterly strange. To those who barely read english, this must be much more insane. What’s this ? 

Well, nicely put, I’m getting a hang of being bilingual, so my blog will be mostly english. On the other hand, this site the „Orkpiraten“ (or Orc pirates), was mostly german back then. And then there are surely those of you who miss the forum, with all the Mini and Avlis thingies. Well, look to the left, there’s some link goodness. 

Beware, cause the boy is back in (regular updating) town. 

(and thanks to GISteve. You’re already my hero)


got a kitten since two weeks by now. My girlfriend decided his name would be Merlin, and so it happened.

He’s an evil minded little bugger most of the time, I’m sure he’s already planning world domination. While not working on that, he at least terrorizes us by chewing, scratching and peeing where it is most inconvenient. Alternatively, he simply walks over the keyboard or hides in some heap of sensitive cables (hey, this is partly a geek household, what do you expect? ). 

On the upside, he lets me play evil overlord, by sitting next to me when roleplaying on Avlis, purring evilly…

The Big U

well, as long as my notebook is busy reinstalling, and me not being able to do any real work… I can blog.

To be honest, this is only after I’ve scoured for new posts, so don’t feel too nice right now :)

To the topic: The Big U . That’s a book by Neil Stephenson, one of my favourite authors. I’m rereading it while commuting at the moment, and really would have liked to live on some campus five or six years ago. Instead, I lived with my then-girlfriend, which was nice too. But there’s this perverse imp on my shoulder that keeps telling me I’ve probably missed a lot of stuff: Great uni internet connection, late parties with other students, wild sex with cute female philosophy students…

But then, who am I kidding: Most people who I knew to live in a dorm had girlfriends whose last name were .jpg and jpeg.

You should read The Big U, it’s good.