Einsamer Wolf Online

Wie cool ist das denn? Auf Spiegel Online habe ich einen Link zu Project Aon gefunden. Dort sind alle Lone Wolf Spielbücher online hinterlegt. Zum Durchklicken, lesen, herunterladen, spielen. Für viele sicherlich ein alter Hut, die Seite gibt es ja schon seit 2007, für mich aber neu.

SpOn nennt sie „gedruckte Gameboys“, und so etwas ähnliches ist es ja auch:

Joe Dever’s most popular series of gamebooks, set primarily in the mythical world of Magnamund in the universe of Aon (hence our name).

You, the reader, play as Lone Wolf, a warrior-monk whose potential as a hero emerges from the tragic defeat of his teachers and kinsmen, known as the Kai Lords.

These are solo adventures that can be read and interpreted at your leisure, bringing a unique experience to the reader. The most similar books to these that found a mainstream audience are the Choose Your Own Adventure and Fighting Fantasy series.

In Lone Wolf, however, you do not only make key decisions in the text, but also choose your equipment and unique abilities, which may help you to survive through encounters that have both strategic and random elements. Lone Wolf books are also relatively unique in that the books can be read and played individually or as part of the larger series, where you can use skills and items gained from one book in another book.

Großer Spaß für die Mittagspause Leute… :)

Lone Wolf Gamebooks auf projectaon.org

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