Switching things on and off

Following is a literal transcript, the names have been changed to
protect the innocent.

Me: can you please switch the other server back on ? Otherwise your data won’t be backupped

Coworker in abroad office (CAO): hi, does you means that all of us must switch off outlook?

Me: no need, just turn the computer on

CAO: then I need to turn on all computers in our office?

Me: no. There is a second computer, next to the server in the small closet. THAT computer is turned off since the blackout. You need to switch that on

CAO: Is the one ‚CompaQ‘ that is next to HP net server? If yes, how can I turn off? Just press the power button?

Me: for all we know, it is already turned off. we need it to be turned ON. And yes, it is the compaq computer. just press the power button

CAO: I came back, only turn off ‚CompaQ‘. Is ok now?

Me: I suspect that you turned it on, instead of off. but that’s ok

There was actually a phonecall in between this, where I really stressed the fact that the computer was switched off currently, and should be turned on. A few times. In the end, the computer really was turned on, and can now again start to backup data.

Mutierte Kommieverräter

Back in the USSR! oh, how happy you are!“

Ich gebe zu, so ganz passt dieses Snippet nicht zum Thema, aber der Chinesische Staatszirkus ist eindeutig bizarr: fliegende Frühlingsrollenhändler, gebrannte Erdnüsse, Leuchtstäbchenverkäufer, Menschen ohne Wirbelsäule, Menschen, die auf, über,unter und durch Reifen hopsen, Frauen mit riesigem Kreuz und eben: Alles Kommunisten! (wie mein Daddy mir vertraulich zuraunte…)