Let there be light
Fiber Optics Bring the Sun Indoors . Someone has come up with a (really brilliant in my mind) idea. The basic premise is to capture light on a roof, and directing it into the rooms beneath it. That alone doesn’t sound too spectacular, the hitch here is that they do it without simply installing a skylight, but using fibre optics, and also filter out UV and infrared in the process.
The result is a more or less ordinary looking lamp on your ceiling, which gives out actual daylight, and even changes color as the sun does. If it gets too dark outside, a sensor automatically activates conventional lights to keep the light constant in your room.
I assume there’s a lot of issues to be tackled still (for instance, having an ever-shifting light is probably not so nice, and I doubt that this would ever be implemented in cloudy and rainy Hamburg), but the concept is really the sort of neat and elegant thing I love.